About APG

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

The APG’s annual report summarises the achievements of the APG against the Strategic Plan 2020-2024 over the last financial year, incorporating outcomes from the most recent Annual Meeting.  The report is divided into five parts and is prefaced by a report from the APG Co-Chairs.

Part One provides a background summary of the APG as an organisation.

Part Two contains a summary of the last Annual Meeting. Notwithstanding that the annual meeting each year falls outside the reporting period it has been the practice of the APG to report on the major outcomes of the meeting as part of the activity of the organisation for the financial year.

Part Three of the report contains a detailed performance report against the strategic goals and key performance indicators in the APG Strategic Plan 2020-2024.

Part Four of the report outlines the management and accountability structures in place in relation to the APG secretariat including a statement of the structure of the secretariat, an outline of the secretariat’s hosting arrangement and risk management framework and issues relating to staff and asset management. The APG financial statements are also discussed in this part together with a summary of the financial outcomes of the year.

Part Five is a summary statement of major APG activities planned for the coming financial year.

See Documents for a copy of all APG Annual Reports.