Canadian Co-Chair briefs the UN Counter Terrorism Committee in New York, 21 December 2023
On 21 December 2023 the Canadian Co-Chair, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance, Julien Brazeau, and the APG Executive Secretary, Dr Gordon Hook, met with the Executive Director of the UN’s CTED, Ms Natalia Gherman, in New York. -
FATF President's Statement - COVID-19
The FATF president recently made a statement on countering serious financial crime in the current COVID-19 environment outlining how countries must remain vigilant in relation to financial fraud and exploitation scams, trafficking in counterfeit medicines and other areas of concern and risk. -
ESAAMLG Working Group visits the APG Secretariat
From 14-16 April 2015, the APG secretariat hosted representatives from the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) Efficiency Scrutiny Working Group. -
Outcomes of the FATF Plenary meeting, Paris, 22-24 October 2014
Under the Russian Presidency, the 1st FATF Plenary meeting of FATF-XXVI was held on 22-24 October 2014. -
FATF Asia/Pacific Regional Review Group onsite of Cambodia
The FATF Asia/Pacific Regional Review Group (A/P RRG) conducted an onsite visit to Cambodia from 1 – 2 September 2014. -
Outcomes from the meeting of the FATF Plenary, Paris, 25-27 June 2014
Under the Russian Presidency, the 3rd FATF Plenary meeting of FATF-XXV was held on 25-27 June 2014.