FATF Asia/Pacific Regional Review Group onsite of Cambodia
The FATF Asia/Pacific Regional Review Group (A/P RRG) conducted an onsite visit to Cambodia from 1 – 2 September 2014. The purpose of the visit was to confirm that the process of implementing the required reforms and actions to address deficiencies identified by the FATF was underway and being sustained.
The review team comprised the A/P RRG Co-Chairs Mr. Yogpal Singh from India and Atty. Julia Bacay-Abad from the Philippines as well as Atty. Tricia Defante-Andres from the Philippines and Suzie White and David Shannon from the APG Secretariat.
The review team met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, Secretary General of the Cambodian FIU and other representatives from the Council of Ministers, National Bank of Cambodia, FIU, Ministry of Justice, Prosecutors Office, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Financial Industry Directorate General of Ministry of Economy and Finance, Securities and Exchange Commission, Customs and Excise Directorate General, Immigration Directorate General, Cambodian Bankers Association and a number of private sector businesses.
The review team will prepare a report for discussion at the FATF Plenary in October 2014.