Mutual Evaluations

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APG Assessor Training Workshop, March 2019, Auckland, New Zealand

18 March 2019

The APG conducted assessor training from 11-15 March 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand. The workshop, generously hosted by the Ministry of Justice, New Zealand and supported by Canada was attended by 45 participants from 17 APG members and 3 observers.

During the week participants worked through the evaluation of a fictional country, including review of its legislation and regulations, conduct of mock interviews, preparation of a mutual evaluation report and presentation of team findings to plenary. Participants are now eligible to act as assessors and/or reviewers in the current round of mutual evaluations.

The workshop was delivered by the APG Mutual Evaluation Committee Co-Chairs from Australia and Macao, China, and experts from Fiji and the APG Secretariat.

The next APG assessor training will take place in September 2019.

APG Assessor Training Workshop, March 2019, Auckland, New Zealand
Delegates at the APG Assessor Training Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand - March 2019