Mutual Evaluations

Mutual Evaluation Committee

Mutual Evaluation Committee

The APG Terms of Reference 2012 provide that Committees or Working Groups may be formed to address the APG’s work between meetings. Members (and observers, if agreed by Committee and Working Group delegates) may participate in all APG committees/working groups (including any required ad hoc committees) and workshops.

Goal 3 in the APG Strategic Plan 2020-2024 requires the APG to conduct and respond to the assessment of members’ compliance with, and implementation of, the FATF standards. The strategies to achieve this goal include:

  • Complete the APG’s third round of mutual evaluation programme.
  • Respond to mutual evaluations with follow-up processes.
  • Seek assessment experts, donduct training and improve assessment procedures in order to effectively deliver the APG's assessment programme.
  • Support the FATF’s ICRG process and APG members in the ICRG process.

In 2013 APG members agreed to the establishment of a Mutual Evaluation Working Group which was renamed as the Mutual Evaluation Committee ("ME Committee") in 2017.

Documents for the ME Committee meetings are available to APG members and observers in the Documents area in the secure section of the website.

Click on the link to the right (move cursor over picture) for a copy of the ME Committee Terms of Reference 2024.


The purpose of the APG Mutual Evaluation Committee is to support activities covered under Goal 3 of the APG Strategic Plan 2020-2024, ‘conducting and responding to assessments’.

The committee is a consultative and coordination mechanism for APG members and observers to support the mutual evaluation programme through ensuring quality and consistency of assessments, supporting assessment-related training activities, and considering key issues for decision by the APG membership.


Participation in the ME Committee is open to all APG members, associate members, observer jurisdictions and observer organisations. Delegates participating in committee meetings will ideally have experience in undertaking mutual evaluations, reviewing mutual evaluation follow-up reports and/or have undertaken assessor training in the FATF's assessment methodology 2013.

There will be no limit on the number of participants from each sub-region. All members and observers are strongly encouraged to participate in face-to-face meetings of the committee held immediately prior to the APG annual meeting, and virtual meetings held throughout the year.

ME Committee Co-Chairs

The ME Committee co-chairs (effective 2022) are New Zealand and Macao, China.