Members & Observers News
Indonesia Becomes APG’s 12th joint APG/FATF Member
The FATF granted full membership to Indonesia at the FATF’s meeting on 27 October 2023. Indonesia has become the FATF’s 40th member and 12th joint member in the APG. -
APG High-level Delegation Visits Sri Lanka
An APG high-level delegation visited Colombo, Sri Lanka from 6 to 8 September 2023 to discuss Sri Lanka’s preparation for its next evaluation in the APG’s fourth round commencing in 2025. -
The APG welcomes Tuvalu as its newest member, and Kazakhstan and UAE as its newest observers
At the annual meeting in July 2023, the APG membership admitted Tuvalu as its newest member, and Kazakhstan and United Arab Emirates as its newest observers. All three committed to the values and goals of the APG and were admitted unanimously. -
Virtual Assets (VA) and Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP) Network
The APG has recently launched the APG VA and VASP Network for public sector representatives of APG members and observers to share information on challenges, enforcement activities, experiences and policy developments relating to VA and VASPs. -
Brunei Darussalam face-to-face meeting
The face-to-face visit for Brunei Darussalam's APG Mutual Evaluation was conducted from 3 to 5 May 2023 in Bandar Seri Begawan. This followed the onside visit conducted in November 2022. -
Nepal face-to-face meeting
The APG assessment team of Nepal met with authorities over three days from 26 to 28 April 2023 in Kathmandu to discuss the third draft of the mutual evaluation report. -
Lao PDR face-to-face meeting
The APG assessment team of Lao PDR met with authorities over three days from 19 to 21 April 2023 in Vientiane to discuss the third draft of the mutual evaluation report. -
Virtual APG Annual Meeting July 2021
This year’s APG annual meeting and annual technical assistance and training (TA&T) forum will be hosted by the government of Malaysia and held in virtual format. -
APG Issues Further Amended Public Statement on Vanuatu
In July 2018 APG members decided to remove Vanuatu from APG membership action. The APG welcomes the progress made by Vanuatu to address the strategic deficiencies identified in its 2015 APG mutual evaluation report and highlights the FATF’s formal recognition of Vanuatu’s progress through its decision to de-list it from ICRG review. -
APG issues amended public statement on Vanuatu
The APG has issued an amended public statement in relation to Vanuatu to reflect the adoption of its third round mutual evaluation report and Vanuatu's referral by APG members to the FATF's International Cooperation Review Group.
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