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Australia Training Workshop
The APG secretariat supported the delivery of an assessor training workshop from 28 August to 1 September in Canberra, Australia, hosted and funded by the Government of Australia. -
20th Annual Meeting, Colombo, Sri Lanka
The APG held its 20th annual meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 17 to 21 July 2017. The meeting was chaired by the APG co-chairs, Mr H Amarathunga, Director of the Sri Lanka Financial Intelligence Unit and Deputy Commissioner Leanne Close of the Australian Federal Police. -
UNODC APG Wildlife Crime Report
Wildlife crime is a serious threat to thousands of species. This report provides case studies, key finding, recommendations and good practices to assist the detection, investigation and disruption of illicit financial flows from wildlife crime. -
Fiji ML Investigations Training
The APG conducted a US-funded money laundering and criminal asset confiscation investigation training workshop in Suva, Fiji from 19 to 22 June 2017. -
APG Assessor Training, Sydney, May 2017
The APG Secretariat hosted the APG’s 7th assessor training workshop using the 2013 FATF assessment methodology from 1-5 May in Sydney, Australia -
Cook Islands Investigations Training
The APG conducted a money laundering and criminal asset confiscation investigation training workshop in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 27 to 30 March 2017. -
Strategic Implementation Planning Visit to Bhutan
With generous support from Canada, the APG Secretariat and former mutual evaluation (ME) team members (assessors) from Bangladesh and Macao, China conducted a strategic implementation planning (SIP) visit to Bhutan on 22 and 23 March 2017. -
IMF and APG Conduct Pre-Mutual Evaluation Training in China
The IMF and the APG conducted a joint mutual evaluation workshop in Shanghai, China in March 2017 ahead of China’s 4th round AML/CFT mutual evaluation scheduled for mid-2018 to train government agencies and private sector reporting entities on the requirements of their upcoming evaluation. -
APG Annual Report 2015-2016 Published
The APG Annual Report 2015-2016, with independently audited financial statements and incorporating the outcomes of the 19th Annual Meeting and Technical Assistance and Training Forum in San Diego, United States in September 2016 is now available. -
Cambodia Mutual Evaluation Onsite Visit
The onsite visit for the mutual evaluation of Cambodia was conducted from 4 to 16 December 2016.
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