All News
2015 APG Yearly Typologies Report now available
The 2015 APG Yearly Typologies Report is produced by the APG Typologies Working Group. The report includes observations on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing techniques and methods drawn from across the APG region. -
Appointment of new APG Co-Chair (Australia)
The APG is pleased to announce that Australia has appointed a new Co-Chair, Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Leanne Close. Deputy Commissioner Leanne Close's biography and photo can be found in the Co-Chair section of this website. -
Significant Outcomes of the 18th APG Annual Meeting
The APG held its 18th Annual Meeting in Auckland, New Zealand from 13 to 17 July 2015. The meeting was co-chaired by Mr Rajesh Chhana, New Zealand Ministry of Justice and Mr Andrew Colvin, Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. -
APG Regional Workshop on Implementing Targeted Financial Sanctions Against Terrorism
The government of Myanmar hosted the 2nd APG Implementation Issues Working Group Regional Workshop on Implementing Targeted Financial Sanctions Against Terrorism in Yangon from 29-30 April 2015. -
ESAAMLG Working Group visits the APG Secretariat
From 14-16 April 2015, the APG secretariat hosted representatives from the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) Efficiency Scrutiny Working Group. -
APG Workshop in Taipei City
The APG held a workshop on National Risk Assessments and Targeted Financial Sanctions on 24 March 2015 for public and private sector agencies in Taipei City, Chinese Taipei. Over 175 delegates attended the workshop. -
Appointment of new APG Co-Chair (New Zealand)
The APG Secretariat is pleased to announce that New Zealand has nominated a new Co-Chair, Mr Rajesh Chhana, following the retirement of Mr Frank McLaughlin. -
Indonesia Implementation Workshop, Sydney 15-16 January 2015
On 15 & 16 January the APG Secretariat hosted a workshop for a delegation of senior officials from Indonesia. -
Afghanistan Implementation Workshop, Sydney 12-14 January 2015
The APG Secretariat hosted three senior officials from Da Afghanistan Bank on 12-14 January 2015. -
APG benefits from new voluntary funding support from Chinese Taipei
The APG welcomes continuing support from Chinese Taipei.
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