
About APG News

  • 27Jul

    21st Annual Meeting, Kathmandu, Nepal

    Over 520 senior delegates from 49 countries and 12 international organisations came together in Kathmandu, Nepal during the week of 21 to 27 July 2018 to convene the APG’s 21st annual meeting and annual technical assistance forum.
  • 02Aug

    20th Annual Meeting, Colombo, Sri Lanka

    The APG held its 20th annual meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 17 to 21 July 2017. The meeting was chaired by the APG co-chairs, Mr H Amarathunga, Director of the Sri Lanka Financial Intelligence Unit and Deputy Commissioner Leanne Close of the Australian Federal Police.
  • 07Feb

    APG Annual Report 2015-2016 Published

    The APG Annual Report 2015-2016, with independently audited financial statements and incorporating the outcomes of the 19th Annual Meeting and Technical Assistance and Training Forum in San Diego, United States in September 2016 is now available.
  • 14Sep

    Significant Outcomes of the 19th APG Annual Meeting

    The APG held its 19th annual meeting in San Diego, California, United States from 5 to 8 September 2016.
  • 22Aug

    2016 Annual Meeting - San Diego, 5-8 September 2016

    The 2016 APG Annual Meeting and Technical Assistance and Training Forum will be held in San Diego, California, United States from 5-8 September 2016. This meeting will take place at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina.
  • 09Oct

    APG Co-Chairs Issue APG Policy Statement - Observers 2015

    The APG Co-Chairs have issued APG Policy Statement - Observers 2015 which sets out the APG's policy on observer jurisdictions and observer organisations and includes a recent decision by the APG membership in July 2015 on member/observer outreach.
  • 16Sep

    APG Annual Report 2014-2015 Published

    The APG Annual Report 2014-2015, with independently audited financial statements and incorporating the outcomes of the 18th Annual Meeting and Technical Assistance and Training Forum in Auckland, New Zealand in July 2015 is now available for download
  • 10Aug

    Appointment of new APG Co-Chair (Australia)

    The APG is pleased to announce that Australia has appointed a new Co-Chair, Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Leanne Close. Deputy Commissioner Leanne Close's biography and photo can be found in the Co-Chair section of this website.
  • 24Jul

    Significant Outcomes of the 18th APG Annual Meeting

    The APG held its 18th Annual Meeting in Auckland, New Zealand from 13 to 17 July 2015. The meeting was co-chaired by Mr Rajesh Chhana, New Zealand Ministry of Justice and Mr Andrew Colvin, Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police.
  • 19Feb

    Appointment of new APG Co-Chair (New Zealand)

    The APG Secretariat is pleased to announce that New Zealand has nominated a new Co-Chair, Mr Rajesh Chhana, following the retirement of Mr Frank McLaughlin.

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