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APG High-level Delegation Visits Sri Lanka
An APG high-level delegation visited Colombo, Sri Lanka from 6 to 8 September 2023 to discuss Sri Lanka’s preparation for its next evaluation in the APG’s fourth round commencing in 2025. -
Timor-Leste pre-ME visit August 2023
From 15-17 August 2023 the APG delivered a pre-ME visit to Timor-Leste, as part of its Mutual Evaluation process. This is Timor-Leste’s second Mutual Evaluation, having previously been assessed in 2011/2012. -
Publication of the Mutual Evaluation Report for Nepal
The 3rd round APG Mutual Evaluation Report for Nepal was adopted by the APG membership in July 2023 and is now available for download. -
Money Laundering Associated with Tax Crimes in the Asia Pacific Typologies Report 2023
The Typology Report on Money Laundering Associated with Tax Crimes in the Asia/Pacific, jointly prepared by the Australian Tax Office and the APG, was adopted by the APG membership at its Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada (July, 2023). -
The APG welcomes Tuvalu as its newest member, and Kazakhstan and UAE as its newest observers
At the annual meeting in July 2023, the APG membership admitted Tuvalu as its newest member, and Kazakhstan and United Arab Emirates as its newest observers. All three committed to the values and goals of the APG and were admitted unanimously. -
Publication of the Mutual Evaluation Reports for Lao PDR and Brunei Darussalam
The 3rd round APG Mutual Evaluation Reports (MERs) for Lao PDR and Brunei Darussalam were adopted by the APG membership in July 2023 and are now available for download. -
Outcomes of the 2023 Annual Meeting and TA&T Forum in Vancouver, British Columbia
The APG’s 2023 Annual Meeting and Technical Assistance and Training (TA&T) Forum was attended by over 300 international delegates during the week of 10 July in Vancouver, British Columbia. -
Pacific AML/CFT Supervisors’ Forum - New Zealand
A meeting of the Pacific AML/CFT Supervisors’ Forum was held on 30 May to 1 June 2023 in Auckland, New Zealand. -
Law Enforcement Financial Investigation Workshops - Cook Islands, Palau & Samoa
Three in-person workshops on financial investigations for law enforcement authorities in the Pacific region were conducted between March and May 2023. -
Acknowledgement of the contributions by Razim Buksh to the APG
Mr Razim Buksh, Director of the Fiji FIU, and head of Fiji’s delegation to the APG for over 20 years, has been presented with a Certificate of Appreciation signed by the APG Co-Chairs.
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