
Virtual Assets (VA) and Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP) Network

1 June 2023

The APG has recently launched the APG Virtual Asset (VA) and Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) Network for public sector representatives of APG members and observers to share information on challenges, enforcement activities, experiences and policy developments relating to VAs and VASPs. The Network will also facilitate discussions on relevant policies and papers issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) concerning VAs and VASPs and any technical assistance requested by APG members relating to the implementation of Recommendation 15.

The first Network meeting was held on 11 May 2023 and was attended by over 70 representatives who openly shared their experiences in areas such as risk assessments, supervision and enforcement. It was a positive indication of strong collaboration and information-sharing amongst APG members and observers. The Network intends to convene 4-5 meetings for the remainder of 2023.