
APG Strategic Implementation Planning Visit to Lao PDR

20 September 2023

From 21-23 August 2023 the APG conducted a Strategic Implementation Planning visit to Lao PDR following the adoption of Lao PDR’s July 2023 mutual evaluation report.

The APG delegation included representatives from Thailand’s Anti-Money Laundering Office (Miss Vilawan Limpanawannakul and Ms Chantanee Suppasrivasuseth), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Mr David Frend and Mr Ashton Broadhurst) and the APG Secretariat (Mr David Shannon). The Secretariat’s participation was supported by a voluntary contribution from the Chinese Taipei government.

The APG delegation conducted a two-day joint agency strategic implementation planning workshop involving over 70 officials to consider policies and activities to address the key deficiencies identified in Lao PDR’s mutual evaluation report. The delegation also provided a number of briefings to high-level officials and to the private sector on priority steps to be taken. The APG visit focused on opportunities for enhanced interagency cooperation and better-targeted technical assistance and training.

Lao PDR has demonstrated a high-level of commitment to addressing the deficiencies identified in the report. This was reflected in discussions with a number of leaders: the Chair of the National Coordination Committee for AML/CFT, the Deputy Head of the Prime Minister’s Office, the Deputy Minister of Public Security, the President of the Supreme People’s Court, and the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Lao PDR.

The APG will continue to support Lao PDR’s AML/CFT priorities and will work with donors and providers to find opportunities to fast-track technical assistance.

Lao PDR’s Deputy Minister of Public Security photo
APG delegation meeting with Lao PDR’s Deputy Minister of Public Security and MPS officials