
APG Strategic Mutual Evaluation preparation visit to Vanuatu

2 September 2024

Based on an invitation from H.E. the Prime Minster of Vanuatu, an APG team visited Port Vila from 20-23 August to provide intensive Mutual Evaluation (ME) preparation assistance with approximately two years to go before Vanuatu’s next ME. The APG visit briefed leaders and worked with officials and the private sector to support Vanuatu ’s preparation for a successful APG ME. The APG delegation included representatives from the United States Treasury (Christopher Ploszaj), the United Kingdom’s HM Treasury (Ian Collins), and the APG Secretariat (David Shannon and Caitlin Ryan). The Secretariat’s participation was supported by voluntary contribution from New Zealand MFAT to the APG’s APG Pacific AML/CFT Capacity Development (PACD) Program.

The APG held a three-day joint agency program considering key elements of the ME process and ME preparations and why they are so important for Vanuatu, and identifying priority implementation opportunities that will increase effectiveness and therefore improve the results in the ME. The visit also aimed to complement wider national priorities, especially ensuring Anti-Money Laundering/counter terrorist financing (AML/CFT) weaknesses do not contribute to current de-risking pressures facing Vanuatu.

Meetings were held with H.E. Prime Minister Charlot Salwai, the Attorney General Mr. Arnold Kiel Loughman, the National Coordination Committee (NCC), the Office of the Public Prosecutor, Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu (RBV), the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC), Vanuatu Police Force (VPF), Department of Customs and Inland Revenue, Ombudsman Office and other agencies.

Workshops were held with the joint agency working groups (supervisory and law enforcement) to consider prioritised policies and activities that deliver effective AML/CFT measures to address the greatest risks faced by Vanuatu. The greatest of these risk areas relate to the significant ML and misappropriation of public funds
risks arising from Vanuatu’s ‘golden visa’ Capital Investment Immigration Plan (CIIP). The APG held meetings with the private sector and development partners to brief them on the need for prioritised ME preparation and the opportunity to deepen risk-based implementation of AML/CFT measures to ensure positive results with the ME.

Arising from joint agency discussions, the APG team shared options for priority implementation steps Vanuatu should take to improve AML/CFT implementation and use the upcoming Vanuatu ME to drive forward activities that address Vanuatu’s key ML risks. The APG will continue to support Vanuatu’s AML/CFT
priorities and will work to identify fast-tracked technical assistance in preparation for Vanuatu’s upcoming ME.

H.E. Prime Minister Charlot Salwai and the APG delegation - Vanuatu ME preparation visit
H.E. Prime Minister Charlot Salwai and the APG delegation - Vanuatu ME preparation visit