
APG Assessor Training course Auckland, New Zealand, 21 to 25 January 2014

25 January 2014
APG Assessor Training course Auckland, New Zealand, 21 to 25 January 2014

38 APG delegates from the across the Pacific Islands, Australia, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, China and New Zealand participated in APG’s 3rd round assessor training programme in Auckland, New Zealand from 21 to 25 January 2014.

The assessor training course trains subject matter experts in legal, law enforcement and financial/non-financial supervisory issues to participate as assessors in the APG’s 3rd round peer-based mutual evaluations, quality and consistency reviews, and for mutual evaluation follow-up reports.  The potential assessors were trained on the FATF recommendations 2012 and the FATF assessment methodology 2013.

Delegates from the Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Nauru, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, China, Australia and New Zealand participated. The course was chaired by Chinese Taipei and trainers were drawn from the World Bank, UK Financial Conduct Authority and the APG Secretariat. Lectures, practical exercises, interview techniques and a “mock evaluation” case scenario with plenary discussions were undertaken during the intensive one week course.

This course was hosted by the government of New Zealand and funded by the voluntary support of Chinese Taipei, New Zealand and the United States.

Photo: Delegates and trainers during the assessor training workshop.