Money Laundering and Criminal Asset Confiscation Investigation and Litigation Training, Tonga

The APG conducted a money laundering and criminal asset confiscation investigation training workshop in Nuku’olafa, Tonga from 17-20 October 2016. The workshop is the first initiative delivered under the US Department of State funded Pacific AML/CFT Investigations Training programme over the next three years.
The workshop was hosted by the Government of Tonga and delivered by experts from Tonga Crown Law, Tonga FIU, Australian Attorney-General’s Department, New Zealand Police and the UNODC Pacific Mentor. A number of Tongan Government agencies and Ministries attended the workshop.
Presentations were delivered on a range of topics including advanced money laundering methodologies, financial interviewing, calculating unexplained wealth and proceeds of crime. Participants were given the opportunity to apply the practical skills gained during the workshop during a hypothetical exercise.
The APG is planning to conduct similar workshops with Pacific members in 2017.