
Pacific Regional FATF Standards Training Course, 4-8 March 2019, Auckland New Zealand

4 March 2019

A regional training course for Pacific members of the APG on the FATF standards was held in Auckland, New Zealand from 4 - 8 March 2019.

The five-day course provided Pacific Island delegates with practical insights into key areas of the FATF recommendations, including:

  • Risk in-context;
  • International cooperation;
  • Risk-based supervision;
  • Preventative measures;
  • Financial intelligence and investigations;
  • Counter-terrorism financing, including NPOs and implementation of targeted financial sanctions;
  • Counter-proliferation financing; and
  • Beneficial ownership.

The course included practical exercises reflecting common challenges faced by competent AML/CFT-related authorities. Delegates were actively engaged with the issues and exercises with good teamwork displayed across multi-disciplinary teams from various jurisdictions.

The course was jointly hosted by New Zealand's Ministry of Justice, FATF Training and Research Institute (TREIN) and the APG.

Funds from the Pacific AML/CFT Capacity Development Programme sponsored 11 delegates from all APG Pacific Island jurisdictions, and 3 experts from FATF TREIN and the APG. An expert from the NZ Police provided insight on investigations and asset confiscation.

The APG thanks all those involved in the workshop.

Regional Pacific FATF Standards Training Course, Auckland, New Zealand