
APG Workshops in Colombo, Sri Lanka 28 - 30 May 2013

30 May 2013

The APG conducted two consecutive workshops, hosted by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, in Colombo from 28 to 30 May 2013, namely:

  • APG Workshop on the Revised FATF Standards (29 to 30 May); and
  • Strategic Implementation Planning (SIP) / Risk Assessment Workshop (30 May)

More than 60 delegates from the South Asia region of the APG attended these two workshops.

APG Workshop on Revised FATF Standards

This workshop was designed to brief delegates from South Asia on key changes to the FATF recommendations and assessment methodology, and provided delegates with an opportunity to apply the new standards in problem-solving related to aspects of their own AML/CFT regime.

APG Workshop on SIP Follow-Up/Risk Assessment

This workshop updated delegates on the APG’s Strategic Implementation Planning (SIP) framework, in particular, the money laundering and terrorist financing national risk assessment components. The workshop also discussed the FATF's guidance on national risk assessments. Delegates discussed potential challenges and lessons learned in completing a risk assessment of their own countries.

Financial assistance was provided for some delegates from Canada, the Commonwealth Secretariat, New Zealand and the United States. The Government of Sri Lanka provided the venue. Presentations were made by experts from Australia, Asian Development Bank, Commonwealth Secretariat, IMF and Hong Kong, China. This workshop represents the last in a series of workshops this financial year covering all sub-regions of the APG focusing on the new FATF standards in conjunction with other APG intiatives (such as the SIP).

Group photo of APG delegates, presenters and organisers
Group photo of APG delegates, presenters and organisers