
Nepal face-to-face meeting

28 April 2023

The APG assessment team of Nepal met with authorities over three days from 26 to 28 April 2023 in Kathmandu for the Face-to-Face Meetings. The full Mutual Evaluation on-site visit was completed in December 2022. 

As the final visit to authorities, the face-to-face meeting in April discussed the third draft of the report, with final report of Nepal to be discussed and adopted at the APG Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada during the week of 9 July 2023. Subsequent to the July Annual Meeting, the full report will be published on the APG website.  

During the face-to-face meetings, the assessment team met with all relevant government agencies and the Governor of Nepal Rasta Bank Mr Maha Prasad Adhikari.

Nepal officials and assessment team
Nepal officials and assessment team