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APG benefits from new voluntary funding support from Chinese Taipei

20 January 2015

The APG welcomes continuing support from Chinese Taipei.

On 19 January  2015, the Director-General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Sydney, Australia, Mr Douglas C. T. Shen, presented the first instalment of a two-year AUD$122,100 grant to the APG.

The purpose of the grant is to strengthen security in the region by assisting priority Pacific APG members to build and/or enhance their capability to combat ML and TF.  The  project  will  support  the  development  of  improved  AML/CFT compliance  levels  among  Pacific  members  through  targeted  capacity  building  programmes  and opportunities to participate in core APG business activities.

On behalf of the APG Co-Chairs, the APG is very grateful for Chinese Taipei’s voluntary funding and for its strong support for the work of the APG.