Technical Assistance & Training

Annual Forum on Technical Assistance and Training (TA&T)

The APG Annual Forum on Technical Assistance and Training (TA&T) is convened at the same time as the APG's Annual Meeting.

The purpose of the forum is to identify the TA&T needs of APG members and to facilitate the coordination and delivery of assistance. The Annual Forum on TA&T includes the following:

  • Priority APG members hold individual meetings with the DAP Group;
  • The DAP Group meets to plan the delivery of assistance;
  • Sub-regional TA&T meetings are convened for ASEAN and Pacific Islands Forum members, jointly chaired by APG/ASEAN Secretariats and APG/Pacific Islands Forum Secretariats;
  • Technical Seminars are delivered for APG members and observers on emerging AML/CFT issues.

Prior to the Annual Forum, the APG Secretariat collects the following information to provide to the DAP Group:

  • TA&T summaries;
  • Gap analyses for members under ICRG review by the FATF;
  • TA&T needs information from APG members;
  • DAP activity information.