
APG Regional Webinar Series - Way forward in AML/CFT Regulation and Supervision of DNFBPs

22 Jun 2022, 1:00 PM - 22 Jun 2022, 3:00 PM -

The APG, in partnership with Malaysia, aim to initiate a DNFBP Supervisors’ Platform that will allow APG members to continuously share DNFBPs supervision expertise and experiences, by addressing common challenges and gaps on AML/CFT measures, as well as providing DNFBP supervisors the opportunity for ongoing engagement with international counterparts. This is in line with the APG Co-Chairs’ Priorities for 2020-22 on enhancing DNFBPs supervision. The DNFBP Supervision Platform will be initiated through a webinar series to address topics related to risk based supervision in the DNFBP sectors, assessment of the effectiveness of measures taken, and cooperation with the DNFBP sectors in combating ML and TF.  The webinars are best suited to delegates from agencies that are responsible for policy development, regulation, supervision, investigations and enforcement of the DNFBPs sector. This fifth and final webinar of the series will focus on the way forward in AML/CFT Regulation and Supervision of DNFBPs.


Further information regarding registrations will be provided to APG Members and Observers in due course.